A community of practitioners in service to facilitating and cultivating sacred medicine spaces for the wellbeing of all
This training differs from some of the other trainings that you may find in that there is a focus on building a relationship to the spirit of the medicine versus viewing the medicine as simply a tool for human use. When we truly understand that the medicine is not just a tool, the work moves to another level, it amplifies and deepens. The medicines are wanting to be able to reach more people in a good way which requires well trained facilitators working in integrity and in relationship to the medicines themselves. There is also an emphasis in the training on coming together and creating closeness and connection in the group. We have co-created a beautiful Onyx Way community that continues to support one another in the work and in life!
We will create a strong sense of community within the group as it is so important to feel held in the work. We will collaborate in the sharing of our unique voices, gifts, and skillsets with an emphasis on caring for ourselves through the course of the training, building skills to care for oneself as a facilitator, and taking care of one another throughout our time together. My intention is that people will complete the training with the basic tools and knowledge needed to have a better sense of the complexity of the work and all it entails. Some will be able to begin offering this powerful way of working which is so needed at this time of deep collective suffering, a gateway for potent collective healing.
Together we will experience the power of possibility when we gather with courage, vulnerability and intention. We have been so blessed to have held space for and with the powerful individuals who have participated in past women's circles, men's circles and all gender retreats.
We offer four-day, three-night experiences, embedded in the beauty of the land near Big Bear, CA wherein we will gather, sit in circle, dive deep, and create community.
Onyx Way Mission Statement and Vision
We are a community of practitioners who are in service to facilitating and cultivating sacred medicine spaces for the wellbeing of all.
We believe that every human being has a right to embody one's birthright – personal sovereignty, freedom, cognitive liberty and access to healing modalities which express rather than suppress the pains which are asking to be healed, transformed, and resolved. We honor the sacredness of this work and uphold our ethical responsibility to this work by engaging in ongoing training in didactic, personal, experiential, and applied realms of learning and discovery. We commit to placing the wellbeing of those whom we are serving first, and act from a place of integrity with ourselves and the medicine. We are open to receiving the gifts of one another's voices, experience, and wisdom through an environment which promotes collaboration. We uphold the qualities of caring and compassion for ourselves, for one another, and for the people we are honored to serve. We are in service to the healing of the greater collective, and the interconnectedness of all.